Saturday, July 17, 2010

He's only pretty.

This guy came up to me the other night and introduced himself.  "My name is Chris. (beat) I'm a Virgo." (Chris is not his name. It's not even close to his name. It's a made up name.  Why? Because, I don't want to give him the satisfaction of using his name.  I could be talking about someone else, some other douche bag i met recently, who's name is Chris.)  The fact that I allowed the conversation to go on past that point is my own fault.  I had the information I needed to know right there.

But, I foolishly permitted myself to flirt with and be flirted with and, at the end of the night (for me, anyway), when he walked me to my car I asked for his email, which he gave to me.

Here's the email I sent to him, a day and a half later:

This is Esme, from Friday night.  I hope this email doesn't frighten/alarm you in its "soonness."  If it does, you are easily frightened and alarmed. That must suck. ...Anyway, perfunctory (and snide, bonus!) repartee aside,  To be totally honest, I would have written you that night, or yesterday morning when I got up (6 am approx) but I felt that my borderline stalkerish behavior on Friday night needed a 24 "cooling off period," time enough to (I hope) fade from your memory/soften the creepy edges.

I'm writing you today to acheive the following objectives:

1.  To dazzle you with my ability to recall a 5 character email address (okay, 8 characters, counting the domain...I share this skill with many chimps, bonobos and even a few of nerdy capuchins documented in various cognitive reseach studies published quarterly... Yay me!)

2. To thank you for the gift that is "Electric Six."  I honestly believe my life has been instantly and immeasurably enriched now that their music is in my iTunes library. The song Danger! High Voltage! is ridiculous, mad, crazy awesome.  If I was a Japanese ad exec, my ad copy for their new campaign would go something like this:


3. MOST IMPORTANT THING! To give you your mix cd  .I'm not sure what you'll think of it. Of course, I hope you like it heaps and heaps.  I certainly won't be unduly hurt you do not.  I tried, I failed, it's all good!  Oh, and please, let me know if it doesn't work--if your iTunes doesn't open and a playlist of music isn't created for you to listen to (but not copy or edit) on your computer.  That would be bad.

Here's the link.
untitled playlist 6.m3u (file://ESME-PC/Users/Public/Music/untitled%20playlist%206.m3u)

Final Note:  My phone number is ________.  Each hour that you postpone dialing this number is, for me, an eternity.  But, like, no pressure or anything.

Okay, so, that's the email I sent--five days ago--complete with a "virtual" mix cd!  And what was his response?  Uh, (shocker!) not a peep. Absolute, total radio silence. I mean, that's the ultimate humiliation in the annals of unrequited love. I have been rejected, categorically.  So, gentlemen, it does happen to girls.  And not just fugly, snaggle-toothed fat chicks--but girls like me. (Not that I'm that  hot or anything.  Even though, last night, a guy told me specifically that very thing.  But, he'd just seen me doing a stand up set (I didn't kill, but I got some laughs) and he could have been suffering from "groupie googles.")

I should stop going to bars. After all, I'm over the age of 30...  Okay, that's not going to happen. I should just trust my gag reflex when a guy triggers it within 7 seconds of meeting him.

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