Tuesday, October 27, 2009

God is Great...Unless You Happen to be Schizophrenic.

Whenever I see a Forensic Files or 48 Hours Investigation on some paranoid schizophrenic killing his entire family or his neighbors and their dog or someone sitting next to him on the subway, they always tell the police something along the lines of, "God commanded me to do it." It's weird. You never hear them say, "God told me to donate blood." Or, "God commanded me to do the dishes." (If you've seen the interior of any of these schizophrenic's homes, you KNOW housekeeping chores have never been high on God's list of demands for them.) It's always, "God told me that to save my soul I must hack Mr. and Mrs. Swanson into tiny pieces and feed them to my goldfish..." It makes me further question not just the existence of God, but to consider the fact that if there was an all-powerful, all-knowing God, he might be not such a great guy after all...