Friday, May 20, 2011

me and scott hanging out at the courts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Entire Wilson company should be ashamed of itself! You couldn't recognize potential or a true passion for the game if you were locked in a closet with both for an infinite amount of hours....yes infinite! I mean really, when was your last champion signed....I'm waiting. Let me clarify that I don't just mean in the trophy sense. Start thinking champion of the game, spokesperson, ambassador! The pure groundstrokes, court coverage, the heart ; just the complete game is there. Wrapped in an advertising departments dream package! Need I say more? Yes I do! Take some advice from the experts....Grow Up! As the poet Too Short once boldly stated in the, recognize game when it's in your face. Sign this young talent. Don't and I'm positive you will end up kicking yourself in the butt for years to come....i'm serious Wilson. Do it.
I love the video sweets....oops, I mean fellow enthusiast.