Friday, February 6, 2009, 20 things you didn't know about me.

1. I don't believe in God. I believe in science.

2. I never believed in Santa Claus either—never. My earliest memories of Christmas are of my sister and me making cookies for Santa; meanwhile I was thinking to myself, “What a tedious charade! Clearly mom and dad are the ones who buy the presents and wrap them and leave them under the tree—this is ridiculous!”

3. I'm allergic to bees. (I almost died after getting stung on my forehead during a swim meet!)

4. I am an incredibly "cheap date." Just one alcoholic drink gets me tipsy and I have not had more than two drinks in one night since I projectile-vomited all over the inside of a stall at a nightclub ten years ago.

5. My favorite books are: Fiction - A Man in Full by Thomas Wolfe/Other Voices, Other Rooms by Truman Capote/Barrel Fever by David Sedaris/Where I'm Calling From by Raymond Carver/The Stand by Stephen King and Nonfiction - The Lucifer Principle by Howard Bloom (seriously, the BEST book EVER!)/Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris/The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

6. I assume that people don't like me or think I'm annoying. (I’m usually right.)

7. I am convinced that I will die in my car.

8. I scored 148 on my last two IQ tests. However, I don’t believe in IQ tests and this score merely confirms their dubiosity. (No, it’s not a word and no, I don’t care.)

9. I survived a murder attempt. And that’s all I’m going to say about that.

10. I didn’t go to my senior prom because my boyfriend was in jail having been busted for DUI the night before.

11. The sound of nails being clipped makes me want to pick up a firearm.

12. I still love Prince as much as I did in high school. Maybe more. Definitely more.

13. I don’t like the taste of water and avoid it as much as possible…Unless it’s Dasani, then I’ll take a sip or two.

14. I cheated on my husband. (With a woman. Okay, two women, but not at the same time.) I still don't think it counts.

15. My best friend with taught me how to masturbate (which I’d never even attempted) at the age of 25. (she's woman #1 that I cheated on my husband with) Now I'm surprised she even accepted my friend sad.

16. I loathe vacuuming. And sweeping. And laundry. In other words, I’m a complete slob. (Thank god for my anal-retentively neat boyfriend, kyle!)

17. My favorite condiment is mustard. Ketchup--yuck! And mayonaise?--(stifling the urge to vomit.)

18. I'm a big fan of porn. It's educational!

19. I cannot sleep with the covers tucked in. I am UNBELIEVABLY neurotic when it comes to my legs at night. Nothing can be touching them except the covers which have to be super, super loose—or hysterics ensue. (okay, not hysterics…but a lot of kicking about and grouchy-noises.)

20. I have a brother 10 years older than me whom I have never met. His name is Christopher. And a twin sister, her name is Brooke.  She is my best friend in the whole world, I love her--even though when we were little kids she never could make it to a toilet or a sink or even the bathroom to barf... and guess who had to clean it up.

That’s it for me—20 is my limit. I have a feeling many people reading this didn’t make it this far anyway...


Anonymous said...

First of all fave movie is also shawshank redemption and see from your list other things we have in common

1. I don't believe in God. I believe in science.

4. I am an incredibly "cheap date." (this part we have in common-the vomit part I did at home)Just one alcoholic drink gets me tipsy and I have not had more than two drinks in one night since I projectile-vomited all over the inside of a stall at a nightclub ten years ago.

6. I assume that people don't like me or think I'm annoying. (I’m usually right.)

7. I am convinced that I will die in my car.

8. I scored 148(mine's only 132) on my last two IQ tests. However, I don’t believe in IQ tests and this score merely confirms their dubiosity. (No, it’s not a word and no, I don’t care.)

9. I survived a murder attempt. And that’s all I’m going to say about that.(had a crazy ass boyfriend so same here)

10. I didn’t go to my senior prom because my boyfriend was in jail having been busted for DUI the night before.(same crazy ass boyfriend)

12. I still love Prince as much as I did in high school. Maybe more. Definitely more.

13. I don’t like the taste of water and avoid it as much as possible…Unless it’s Dasani, then I’ll take a sip or two.
15. My best friend with taught me how to masturbate (which I’d never even attempted) at the age of 25. (she's woman #1 that I cheated on my husband with) Now I'm surprised she even accepted my friend sad. (i taught my friend)

16. I loathe vacuuming. And sweeping. And laundry. In other words, I’m a complete slob. (Thank god for my anal-retentively neat boyfriend, kyle!)

18. I'm a big fan of porn. It's educational!

20. I have a brother 10 years older than me whom I have never met. His name is Christopher.(my uncle has a son who his girlfriend gave up for adoption and his name is Christopher and he has never met him either and nor have i unless you count the time we tracked him down when he was about 12 and said hello and never introduced ourselves and gave him a hig and then I cried and then we left.I have no idea what this child thought at the time of these crazy people)

That’s it for me—20 is my limit. I have a feeling many people reading this didn’t make it this far anyway... and Yes I read every single one

esme j gregson said...

thank you so much for reading my blog yvette, you rule!

EddieSki said...

ew prince???